The School day
The school gate opens at 8.35 am and the school day begins at 8:45 am. For parents needing an early drop off, we run a Breakfast Club from 8 am. School finishes at 3.15 pm.
The school gate opens at 8.35 am and the school day begins at 8:45 am. For parents needing an early drop off, we run a Breakfast Club from 8 am. School finishes at 3.15 pm.
The School Day at Stisted CE Primary Academy
08.00am : Breakfast Club
08.35am: Gates open
08.45am: Registration
Early Morning Work
09.00am: Session 1
10.10 am: Whole school assembly
10.30 am: Breaktime
10.50am: Session 2
12.00 pm: Lunch for Early Years and
12.10 pm: Lunch for juniors
13.10 pm: Session 3
15.15pm: School ends