Diary Dates

April 2024

Monday 15th April : Back to school 

Thursday 18th April : SCS club starts 

Wednesday 24th April – 12th June : Year 4 Swimming lessons

Friday 26th April : FOSA Cinema Night 

May 2024

Friday 3rd May : Assembly in Bluebell Woods  

Monday 6th May : May Bank Holiday 

Week beginning Monday 13th May : KS2 SAT’s week 

Friday 17th May : Indian Dance Day 

Monday 20th May : Sheena Assembly 

Thursday 23rd May : Year 1 phonics screening workshop for parents

Friday 24th May : Dentist visit 

Monday 27th- Friday 31st May : Half term

June 2024

Week beginning 3rd June : FOSA Father’s Day Workshop

Monday 3rd – 14th June : Year 4 Multiplication check 

Monday 10th – 12th June : Class 4’s residential trip to Mersea

Monday 10th – Friday 14th June : Phonics Screening 

Thursday 13th June : Class swap 

Friday 14th June : INSET DAY

Monday 17th – 28th June : Assessment period NFER & KS1 SAT’s

Monday 17th June : Class swap

Wednesday 19th June – 10th July : Class 4 swimming lessons

Friday 21st June Class photographs

Friday 21st June : Class 1 sleepover

July 2024

Friday 5th July : Class swap 

Monday 8th July : Sheena assembly 

Friday 12th July : Class 3’s residential trip to Danbury

Friday 12th July : Non uniform day 

Monday 22nd July : Year 6 leaver assembly in church 10am

Tuesday 23rd July : Last day of term

: Sports Day – 9.15am – 11.30am